My Plans for a Business Career

Writing or even talking about a business career seems so grown up and sophisticated. I have never really considered or seen myself going into a business field. For one, I always think of a distinguished man or woman wearing a suit sitting at a desk all day. Now that I am older, I realize that a career in business can look many different ways.

I have always identified with the adolescent age group and the way they think. The adolescent years are hard for some and that often shows in their schoolwork. This often leads to acting out at school because of bad home life, trauma, or emotional issues. I would like to contract with local schools that have adolescents with therapy needs. I would like to work with older adolescents, preferably those that are in high school.

Teen pregnancy has always had a huge piece of my heart. I have a passion for young mothers who are scared, nervous and confused. I want to make them feel whole, worthy, and loved. Through therapy, I can give them the emotional tools they are going to need during their pregnancy and after. I volunteered at our local Sav-A-Life Center several years ago. It was heart wrenching, but the reward was incredible. This is the type of center that would offer me the possibility to practice this type of therapy.

My ultimate goal is to have a career working with adolescents while still having the freedom to be involved with my children’s school functions and activities. I feel that contract work with local schools would give me that flexibility.

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